Friday, April 23, 2010

MPDC Nation Ranking 18th April 2010

MPDC has just concluded the 1st National ranking for 2010 and we congratulate all the dance athletes that took part in this competition. This year we have fewer participants in ther Grade A National ranking in both Standard and Latin American but it is as expected.
We have given you the best of what Malaysia have to offer and we hope these athletes will one day represent the country in all the international games. As I have mentioned in this Blog before, only the best in Malaysia would dare to compete in the MPDC championships. Those who have turned professional we can understand for they are looking at dance and dancing as a career. As a professional they have to consider their rice bowl. To those who refuses to join the National ranking that is their right and previledge to do so. This is what I call freedom to dance and some would migrate to join the other dance body. But why ? Is the grass greener over the other side? Perhaps so , because if you dance in the other camp you stand a chance to be a champion. You know like they say, in the land of the blind the one eye person is king.
Just imagine competing with blind people and you emerge Champion, all this so that you can bask in the glory of reciving the first prize. Hey ! if that is how you like it , by all means go for it. In a competition  up north of Kuala Lumpur the Malaysian Amateur Closed is four (4) dances only. Man! you can be called a Malaysian Amateur Champion by doing only 4 dances that is if you can be the Champion. Go to Blackpool and compete in the Amateur Championship. You will be surprised to know that it is a 5 dance competition.
Our MPDC athletes are honoured to see a couple cheering our Grade A for they know that they do not belong to this league of MPDC Grade A.
What is sad is to see not a cripple body, but people who have a broken soul and their priorities are tangled up for they do not know where they are going. To the couple concerned good luck to both of you.      


Anonymous said...

Sad to read about your open sarcasm..

Skydancer4 said...

Nothing sarcastic about it. You will only find it sarcastic if you think it is fine to compare apples with oranges and say that they are the same. A Grade A MPDC Championship cannot be equated to an Amateur Closed. We call that Grade B.
As to the dancers concerned, if winning is all that matters, hey, this is a free country. But they cannot really equate themselves with the Grade A boys and girls. You may disagree but don't be sad, fault the reasoning by all means.

Anonymous said...

Well written posting - if people want to go to the other side, so be it - it's their freedom of choice.

Good to see the close friendship with our neighbours from down south supporting our event, sending couples and supporters. The absence of several of their top officials were not present, and we hope it was because many of them were away for other 'legitimate' reasons and not a boycott whatsoever.

Skydancer4 said...

No, why should those people want to boycott the event. There are no officials but adjudicators, they are all invited to judge the event. They are paid by MPDC according to the prescribe rates.
I know of no boycott, it is either a case of you support the IDSF Competition ruling or you do not. If you do not, you do not participate, if you do by all means you can participate but you have to follow the MPDC/IDSF rules.
I concede that it may not appear friendly, but then when one is bound by rules of sports, it is never friendly.
It is all a case of perspective whether you see the cup half empty or half full. You decide and that freedom is yours to follow. Thank you for your comments.

Anonymous said...

I read with amazement on your reporting.

First ANONYMOUS posting called it "OPEN SARCASM".

Second ANONYMOUS posting called it "BOYCOTT"

Third ANONYMOUSE posting ("me") am somewhat amused that a team from Singapore came to compete in our Nationals, and won several top placings. Does that mean that our pool of talent is getting smaller? And odd that although the team from Singapore was here, their President was nowhere to be seen at the event - do we suspect a dischord between SG and MY? Or did the Singapore Officials couldn't be bothered with our National Ranking, showing pride that their team could win several top placings and did not see the need to attend?

Skydancer4 said...

Think whatever you want but you definitely have your facts all jumble up. If you were there you will realise that it is the Sarawak boys and girls that made in roads.
I cannot comprehend you National ranking bit, there must be some confused thinking on your part Anon:10:56am.

Ballroom fan said...

Aiyaa! Anon, you hint here, you suggest there, all without anything. But what you seem to suggest is something negative. If you are trying to say something is wrong with Malaysia and Singapore Dancesport, say it la.
Some more this sort of thing can easily be solved go to Singapore Dance sport web site , get the President's address and ask him directly la.
The way you write like you are trying to say something but cannot say it out.
Like you suffer from constipation la. You speak directla, you sound like a pondanla.

Skydancer4 said...

Dear Ballroom Fan, You may be passionate about Dancesport but I would like you to refrain using words like "pondan"to describe Anon 8.13PM.
As moderator of this Blog we deal with issues. The only reason why I am not removing your comments is because, what you have said is true, Anon 8.13pm can just write to the President of SGDF to confirm what he is trying to spread in this Blog that there is some sort of discord between Singapore and Malaysia Dancesport. All this just because the President of SGDF is not around.
I am not interested in replying to Anon 8.13pm because it is mere conjectures. But suffice for me to just say this, the Pro Dance program that we use in this competition is from SGDF.
So please Ballroom fan, I allow free speech and the limits lies in arguments supported by facts. Please tamper your comments next time if you want to participate in this Blog.Thank you.

Ballroom fan said...

Dear Mr Skydancer, Not that I don't respect your Blog, but sometimes this anonymous person cannot talk straight la. To me his comments like Malaysia and Singapore not on good friends all, talk nonsense la. Like you say tak facts la. Sometime I see that , I cannot tahanla.

Ballroom fan said...

This Anon chap talk of freedom to dance, but feel that MPDC also must open and have same freedom to Dance. I think he or she want to take part in MPDC competition, but scared. Why? Simply because he got no standard to dance in MPDC championship la.
So talk nonsense and create problems la.
Anon. no standard go home and eat your own la.